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Featherstone Group, formerly Featherstone Support Services, was founded in 2013 by Jill Featherstone. Jill is the author of The Tale of Tiger Lily, the host of the Driving While Indigenous Podcast and a retired university professor at University College of the North. Jill also created Awaken the Spirit - Teaching our Youth to Stand on their Own, a motivational workshop that has helped thousands of Indigenous Youth uncover inner strengths, battle stigma, and gain confidence to empower themselves along life's journeys.


The motivation behind Driving While Indigenous was inspired by the hard work and commitment of the helping professionals who work tirelessly to better our communities, but who so often forget to nourish and rejuvenate their own spirits. "We cannot tell our youth to chase their dreams if we are not chasing ours."


The event is designed to provide a platform for indigenous people to share their stories and to lift each other up. Our goal is to create a space for people to support each other, foster growth and to drive change.


On November 17, 2023 Featherstone Group will be hosting its 2nd Annual Driving While Indigenous Live Event & Gala. This event will feature an array of speakers, comedians, musicians and more for a day of motivation, laughter and celebration.


Please join us for the event, you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll laugh again!

Plus the event and gala are included in one price, which includes 2 plated meals! Click here to register.

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